Unconditional love = you give away love expecting nothing in return. Love = you give on condition the receiver becomes optimistic at least for a moment. Romantic love = you hope to see him again, you make plans for the future. Unconditional love = no condition, in the moment, casual. Love is meaningful sex, hoping to make new memories while cherishing the old ones. When you give love, you give hope. A good deed makes you feel good. Love is a deed that makes you feel good about someone else's future. When you give love, the receiver becomes hopeful. Otherwise your gift wasn't received. Unconditional love has no future expectation. Real love is optimistic. Love = romance. Nostalgia = you remember the past better than it was, romantic about the past. Romance = you see the future better than it will be or could be. It's how love is blind. Unconditional love is a one-night stand. No conditions, no strings, no thinking about another date together, any cock will do. Romantic lov...