Star date on star base (ep. 6)

Standing at attention at the head of the conference table, Captain Chris shouts: Long Rule The Crown! The four subordinate crew members echo the salutation as we were taught. My shout is louder than the other three. Suddenly I feel self conscious & embarrassed that I might have displayed an inappropriate amount of loyalty. All five of us sit down. Captain at head of the table facing the big screen. The others sit on the same side facing away from the camera. Lieutenant wearing those control gloves. Then me. Then either John or William. I don't yet know which is which. They look like brothers. Then the screen. At this table three men are wearing long pants. Straight men. Two men are wearing shorts. The gays. Am I overthinking this? The captain begins: "Gentlemen. I called this meeting for two reasons. To introduce a new member to the crew. Specialist David is from Earth. He's an expert in space weather. Our very own weather man. Remember those micro meteor showers a f...