Over Dirty Dishes

I know exactly why we broke up
He stopped respecting me
My live-in boyfriend in the 1990's
He couldn't take me seriously
So he became bossy and naggy
He taunted me dismissively
As if I were a child
Clean the apartment because
His friends are coming over
They're his friends
It's his mess
Basically we broke up 
Over Dirty Dishes

But really it was something else
After I cleaned everything
No change / No respect
I'm a joke
How long before I would go?
It didn't used to be this way
How could I prevent the breakup?
Never argue unless holding hands
Now I know

We argued at a distance
I ran away from my feelings
I slammed the door
I should have stayed
Kitchen table/ Holding hands
Discuss it with persistence
If only we had a love blog

I don't mind some teasing
Except when I'm depressed
Down in the dumps
In a rut / In a slump
I need support and love
Not derision
So I made a tough decision
I broke up Over Dirty Dishes

He couldn't stop laughing at me
So I broke up eventually
As this poem can attest
He taught me so much
Love is sensitive
Laughing and lampooning are fun
Unless you are the target
I replaced the dishes with paper plates

We argued on the phone
I said I don't love you anymore
I heard tears in his voice
It broke my heart
I felt it was too late
Too many lines crossed
But I lied again
I do love him / I once did
He meant something to me
And still does
I thought I was protecting him
From the downward spiral
My life chose to begin

We broke up on the phone
At a distance
Over Dirty Dishes.


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