New Guitar Old Flame

Something has changed
Not the same
New Guitar Old Flame

Both unexpected
It happened today 
Too soon must you exit
New Guitar stays
He did his job flawlessly
He played the saddest melody
"Is this what lonely feels like?"

Our first performance
Our first collaboration
You our first audience
New Guitar Old Flame

First of many to serenade my baby
Another tune to drive us crazy
My guitar needs a name
I decree he shall be called James
He will play with me
Keep me company
When you are far away
Practice every day
Rehearse every night
Until you return

Your blue eyes to mine
Being a muse is divine
Private concert so romantic
Followed by love-making so frantic
New Guitar Old Flame

When you appear unexpected
James and I will play
The latest love song you have inspired
You're the only reason it was made
Too soon must you exit

I will write more lyrics 
James will play the tune 
Practice every day
Rehearse every night
For your private concert
Whenever you return 
Performance of delight 

New Guitar Old Flame.


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