2022 Out On High Note

2022 goes out on high note. Great hope for 2023. I was in my apartment all year with my cat. 3 years living in my van was over. I still drive the van. At the beginning of the year my health was an issue. The prostate number was rising. Not responding to testosterone hormone blocker alone. A daily pill since Feb. brought the number back down. But it caused lethargy, weight gain & mental haze. I lost my muscle mass, atrophy from inactivity. In April I started physical therapy for an injured shoulder, which helped pull me out of my funk. At the end of the year, 2 days before Christmas, a CT scan showed improvement since Jan. 19 scan indicating mild emphysema. My lungs cleared up. Because I've been working out. More breathing. More blood flow than a year ago. That's good news. Recent scan showed the July 11 lower back injury. In April & May I was in a mental fog making poor judgments. Like an open relationship would be okay. Because I feel guilty about erectile dysfuncti...