Is Bros a Box Office Flop?

Bros the movie opened widely in theaters on Friday. Today is Tuesday. My boyfriend and I are going to see it Thursday. In another town. The one o'clock matinee. An excuse to go on a date. But it's risky.

I have anticipated the movie for a while. Now it's been reviewed by conservative podcasts I subscribe to. I feel like I've already seen the movie. Or lived it. All the clips and positive commentary as well.

How can this be a flop? Hollywood doesn't understand flyover country. Or the gay niche market. Or the nature of hype.

They should have released the film in select urban theaters. Most gay influencers have already seen it at film festivals and special viewings. So they don't have a buzz or following on opening weekend.

On Sunday they should have released the movie online for the world. I would have paid maybe $40 to watch it on my 43 inch 4K smart TV. The cost of 2 tickets.

Right there beside my boyfriend. Holding hands without fear someone might recognize us. Hollywood doesn't understand the typical gay life in most of the world.

Few movies can live up to their hype. Social media could have added more buzz and validation. 

The gay version of Doris Day-Rock Hudson rom-coms of the '60s. Don't even go there girlfriend! The hype got out of control and went on too long.

I will review Bros right here on this blog after I see it. I can already tell you it's too long. 115 minutes. Cut out the "Queer As Folk" sex scenes. It takes itself too seriously while trying to caricature every check box group.

The movie would be better if based on a true story, rather than pure fiction. To be more real and familiar. So those are my biases going in.


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