Star date on star base (ep. 3)

I follow the lieutenant through another door into a hallway of doors. Number 5 is my room. We go in.

Lieutenant gestures for me to sit in this chair on a piston in front of a full-length mirror. 

He says, Take off your shirt.

He goes to a cabinet. Takes out a wireless weightless clipper & comb.

I say with a smile. "I'm not wearing a shirt."

Lieutenant, standing behind me now, stands to the side. He looks into the mirror into my eyes staring back. He lifts his hands upward & outward in a queer gesture. It's the first time he appears gay to me.

He starts off mocking the captain.

Listen, son. David. Let me start your briefing. I know you're wearing a provocative flight suit. Sexy as hell. It's not a shirt.

So peel your flight suit down to your waist so I can trim your body hair after the haircut. Or take it off. Nobody wants to see these ugly patches of wild hairs on your back.

I know it's cold in here. I turned on the heat. You'll be in the shower in a minute warming up.

I will cut your hair in a style I think looks good on you. That flatters you. And flatters me. I'm the one who has to look at it.


I say, "Yessir lieutenant."

The first lock of hair falls to my bare shoulder. It floats across my not-so-hairy chest & proud nipples to my waist. It keeps floating across the floor & disappears into a vacuum hose. I feel the cool draft across my bare feet.

Lock after lock floats down & disappears. Lieutenant has this to say:

What's his name, your hometown lover? He must be super hot. I watched the video of your 3-month hyper sleep. Your gossamer flight suit tells a helluva story. What story have you to tell?

I don't know what to say. So much for alone time with my thoughts & memories. Is this a trick to out me? He already knows I'm gay.

He speaks more calmly as he starts on my body hair already:

It's okay, David. There are no cameras or microphones in the personal quarters. Not supposed to be. What does he look like?

I say, "Looks like the captain. But sounds different. Different personality. Different expression. Smells different.

"His name is Jacob. He wants to be called Jake. But I call him Jacob to be pretentious. Romantic. Special. Yessir Jacob. I'm his little bitch."

We both smile into a chuckle with that. Before I knew it, my chest hair is gone. He starts to clip my beard away. Lieutenant says:

David. Everywhere on this star base I am the boss of you. Except here in your bedroom you are my boss. A man's sleeping quarter is his castle. That concludes your briefing for now.

Still your pal Paul has a couple personal questions. Did Jacob give you permission to fool around way out here on the edge of space & the danger you might never see him again?

Oh, and do you need to get off before you report for duty in a couple hours? Because your body is saying one thing.

I clear my throat. All I can say is "Uh-huh." Lieutenant has lowered the chair. Finishing up my beard. His legs are straddling mine.

I feel the hugest boner all day. He lowers the clippers. He lowers his bottom onto my lap  I realize he's been fantasizing about me for 3 months.

I reach my arms around him to stabilize his position. We make eye contact forever. Our faces touch. But we don't kiss. Lieutenant says:

You should take a super soapy shower & wash away the hyper funk.

He stands up & takes a step aside. I stand up & peel off the flimsy funky flight suit. I hope I never see it again.

In the mirror I see my erection first. Then my regulation haircut. My body tingles from the clippers. My bare feet are numb from the cold-ass floor.

I see Paul in his white Tshirt with rank stenciled on. White boxers & white socks. A few inches shorter than me. But super stylish.

I hug him & kiss him. I say, thank you. I step awkwardly to the shower. The water is warm. My feet tingle.

I cannot believe it. Am I still dreaming? Is this place real? Am I really going to fuck an officer on my first day at my new duty station? 

He steps into the shower. He reaches for the bar of soap in my hand. He lathers me up all over twice & rinses twice.

Then we linger with the shower running down my back. I'm his shelter from the rain. We embrace. Our faces touch. Our eyes meet. His body presses against my erection.

He lowers himself to his knees. He starts blowing me. Is this really happening? I teeter backwards. The shower rains down on his head. I stand forward to shelter him again.

All I can do is breathe heavy & look down at his chiseled hairless body. I turn off the shower. I reach down to lift him to his feet.

I push the button for air dry. Nothing happens. Paul says:

That doesn't work. Lucky anything works on this antique junk heap. We have to use towels to dry off. How neanderthal!

Where can this go from here? We stumble back into the bedroom proper. I towel off in front of the giant mirror. Throw the damp towel over the piston chair.

"How does this work, Paul?" He looks confused. "The chair. How do you make it go up & down?" 

He comes over buck naked as I was. He positions himself in front of me, facing the same direction. He places my hand on his hand. He points to the sensor. 

As our hands move, so does the piston chair. Up & down. His other hand reaches back & finds my erection. He covers it with lube.

He uncouples & gestures me to sit down. His hand reaches out to operate the chair. Up & down. We start laughing.

He lowers the chair even lower. He straddles my legs. He half-steps closer. He motions the chair rise up. 

He sits down on my lap. I penetrate him. He gasps. We make eye contact forever. A true lap dance. Our faces nose-to-nose.

I say in a quivering whisper. "I'm not sure how long I can last."

Paul's hips rise & fall on this crazy piston chair. I feel the glory of his hole. I breathe heavier & heavier.

So does Paul. He says, I'm your little bitch.

I burst out laughing & come at the same time. And grunt. And shudder at the same time.

Paul sports a calm grin. He doesn't move from his position. My cock squirts into him. Spasm after spasm. Like I'm having a seizure. 

My arms clamp onto him so he can't squirm away. More grunts. More thrusts. I collapse back into the chair. I grow soft inside him.

"Wow! Thank you," I say.

Paul dismounts. He wipes himself with his damp towel. Throws it in the hamper. I cover my relieved cock with my wet towel.

He puts his simple clothes back on. White Tshirt, boxers & socks. He kisses me on the cheek. He says:

Remember. In your bedroom & in my quarters, my name is Paul. Everywhere else my name is Lieutenant. I'm in room number one. I'll come back for you in about an hour. Food in the cupboard.

With that he steps through the door. He is gone. 

What have I done? Now I'm alone with my thoughts & memories. They just got more complicated. Be careful what you wish for.

I look around the empty sterile room. It's gotten much warmer. There are 2 beds. This must be a double. Appears I have no roommate at this time.

My erection has finally subsided. I don't even know what uniform I'm to wear. I'll find out later.

I flop on one of the beds naked. What about Jacob? I lied. He didn't give me permission to fool around. He said the opposite. He doesn't want to lose me.

In a way he already has. He lost me when I traveled to space launch. He lost me when I went into hyper sleep.

I certainly feel lost in this moment. Lost in outer space. I've lost my first true love. I lost the game of love.

But I feel relieved sexually. At least I should be able to focus my attention on training.

I float off into a nap lying naked in a naked room.


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