Grindr vs eHarmony

 I survived 20 days of Grindr. A gay hookup app. Ka-klink. ka-klink. You have a new dick pic in your mailbox. $40 a month & no hookups but I tried.

eHarmony is more relationship oriented. $8 a month. Full of broken hearts & unrealistic expectations. 

You can see from the eHarmony posts below, boyfriend & I recommitted to monogamy. I still have a lot to say. Thus this blog. I had to step up my game, way up 

Grindr Profiles 

2 men. 58 & 68.

Just watched "The 10 Year Plan" gay romance on YouTube. Your best friend hooks up every night on Grindr for 10 years while you strike out, then y'all become monogamous boyfriends. Totally unrealistic.


2 men 58 & 68. Looking for a PERSON who has a penis. Not just body parts.

Grindr Rules

1) Guys want plain vanilla sex RIGHT NOW.  Pretend to like kink, dates, etc.

2) Confused. Laid-back = uptight. Top talk, bottom in profile.


2 men 58 & 68. More Grindr Rules

3) Vers Top. You top average guys but will bottom for a super hot Top.

4) Versatile. Vers + Top = Vers is bottom. Vers + Bottom = Vers is the Top. Vers + Vers = taking turns.


Thanks guys. Grindr is the wrong app for us. No hookup yet. My chat buddies quit chatting. Will probably lose my Faves list of hotties. I can see hotties for free on Dudes nude & get messaged. We have better luck meeting guys in real life.


2 men 58 & 68. Marshall Dillon to Miss Kitty--Pitiful posse. Thank your girls for taking care of my men. The soapy brush in my armpit, hairy chest, funky bottom. Thanks for getting on your knees, your back, all fours. Ugh! Ahh! Whew!


2 men 58 & 68. Guys be like...Looking for NSA FWB RN. What? Casual Fk-buddy. Platonic long-term relationship. Let's keep having sex & not get serious. And random hookups. That fantasy is blowing my mind. Please blow something else.


2 men.Your fantasy confuses me. I got E.D. my junk don't work so I have to watch? Your junk works but you don't use it because you're a bottom. Why can't I bottom? You want a gang bang. I want to be banged by one stud. We play together.


2 men. My boyfriend trimmed his bush against my orders. I like a hairy bush pushing out from the panties. I usually trim his back, tummy & chest. He said he did it to defy me. So I had to spank him. Roleplay 101.


July 3... Final Update. 

eHarmony won't approve my profile. I can't delete the profile. I'm stuck with payments until June 12, 2023.

eHarmony censors my messages also so I can't hook up or go off platform to hook up. Likely I'll have to get the bank to stop payment for breach of contract.


I don't feel right here anymore. I took myself off the dating scene. My 18-year relationship has bounced back. Sure there'll be rocky times in the future. I share my real-life love story in a blog. 

The gay romance of two older men. One out in public. One deeply closeted. Love & romance. Passion & heartbreak. Breakup & reunion.

June 23

First phase of 3-point love plan complete, Recommitment to Monogamy. Got tested together in another town for extra discretion. Easy for me to write or speak a bunch of words. My turn to listen. Though less articulate, my boyfriend's feelings are just as important. He's right. I was confused and confused him. My erectile dysfunction is no excuse for us to fool around. As man of the relationship, I stepped up my game and take any blame floating around. Next phase: Day of romance on the cool river.

When I need advice, I'm calling...

I usually give the advice. 1st, 2nd, 3rd date is casual. You can't have a serious committed relationship yet. Around the 4th or 5th date, something happens. It becomes serious. Now you can commit. After 4 months boyfriend broke up because his mind was occupied with me. I joined martial arts to rest my mind from thinking about him. We got back together. Now after 18 years we thought it could be casual again. Lesson learned. Still trying to balance love life and real life like we just met.

Profile June 15....

Things move fast when passions burn hot. Boyfriend and I rededicated ourselves to the 18-year relationship. Since I have erectile dysfunction from prostate cancer, I thought it was okay for us both to fool around. Good fantasy, bad idea. We agreed on a 3-point love plan. Get tested together. A day of romance floating down the cool river. Go out to a gay bar, him in drag. Flirt with hotties. Go home, roleplay the hotties so we stay safe, monogamous, in love.

Warning! This profile is breaking hearts. When I joined, I had broken up with my boyfriend. We're back together. But eHarmony is paid up. I'm here to make friends, chat and flirt. Not to hurt feelings or stress you out. No hookups or dates. Just fantasy and flirtation.

June 12

I survived Grindr for 20 days, which caused me to obsess on STDs. I was looking for dates when my boyfriend would be at my place, not hookups. Our relationship is faltering because I have erectile dysfunction from prostate cancer. We're still together after 18 years. Had an STD the first few weeks but stayed together. I thought the relationship was more casual. But after 3 or 4 dates, it becomes serious fast & tumultuous. Now I feel him slipping away. And I'll be dating again soon.

I have a passion for....

Romance. When I hold you in my arms, you will feel my charms. For previous boyfriends, I've written love letters, songs, poems. You can feel the passion & honesty in this profile. I'm starting to get butterflies thinking about meeting one particular guy. Talk a little. Walk down the trail. Stop at the overlook. Hold your hand. Embrace in a kiss. My manly tattoos, burly arms, bricklayer hands holding you & your weak knees. Look you square in the eyes & say. "I'm glad I met you." Another kiss.

I wish I could.....

Write a book on the Laws of Love. Jealousy has 3 parts. Afraid you'll have to look for a new sex partner. Afraid you'll catch something. Afraid the infidelity will go unanswered. So you hook up to get even. Then recommit to the relationship, which is rarely 50-50. The one who loves less controls the relationship & will break up out of guilt. "You deserve better." So you both end up with nothing or casual hookups. Passion + Peace of mind = Fantasy roleplay + Monogamy.

The most important thing I'm looking for in a person...

Is honesty. No half truths. Don't leave out important details. Don't try to say what you think I need to hear for you to have your way. Don't manipulate

I would never ever...

Out you or make a scene if you cheat. I will walk away. If you're honest about your hookups, I won't cuck for you. Will walk away. An open relationship is a broken relationship. It's one thing if you get lucky. It's another thing if you spend hours and hours cruising, hoping to get lucky. Why don't you spend those hours hooking up with me, your boyfriend? Are we in denial? That's why I haven't walked away yet. My emotions are a rollercoaster. We need to recommit to monogamy soon.

My ideal first date…

Would end by setting up the next date. So we have something to look forward to. Flirting with danger because, the more dates we have, the more serious we become. You can't keep having sex & stay casual. Looking for meaningful & passionate memories to keep me thinking about you until the next date.

When I'm in a bad mood...

I think of the good times. Analyzing how I kept this relationship going this far. I created habits.

1) Schedule the next date at the end of the current date.

2) Talk about the relationship. Your commitment. Promise to each other. If I get laid, I will tell you before you & I hook up again.

3) Talk about your feelings as you discover them.

4) Talk about sex.

5) Talk dirty. Remember fantasy is not real life. Roleplay is how you fool around but stay safe & monogamous.


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