Magic Words

As your lover I'm sensitive
To everything you say
And you're the only person
Who cares what I say

There are misunderstandings
You have partial hearing loss
You mispronounce words
So do I

I'm sensitive to everything
You have to say
I pay attention
Look you in the eye
Mute the television
Calmly I stay quiet
I listen to your thoughts
Whatever you have to say

In sex our safety word is SAFETY
Or any variation
What's the magic word to stop teasing
And start a serious conversation?

That's the magic word
Let's get serious
Stop the banter
Stop the jokes
You're hurting on the inside
Let's have a serious conversation

Speak the magic word
And I will stop the banter
And the jokes
I once broke up with a boyfriend
Because he couldn't stop

I'm hurting on the inside
I need to talk
Please stop the banter
Stop the jokes
But he couldn't
So I had to say goodbye

Now you and I 
Have a magic safety word
For emotions

Say the word serious or any variation
If you want a serious conversation 

Don't break up with me
I offer these new magic words
Serious and seriously
Add them to love's glossary


For a serious conversation
Say the magic word
Or any variation

Stop the banter
Stop the jokes
Look you in the eye
Pay attention
Calmly remain quiet

Speak the magic words and
Magically we stay in love

I'm hyper sensitive
To whatever you have to say
And you're the only person
Who cares what I say.


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