Gay Men Going Deeper

I just found this video uploaded to Bitchute. You talk about your YouTube channel. So here I am. 

I didn't have to come out because everybody somehow knew. But I discovered I was gay when I was about 13. I watched re-runs and noticed for the first time the hot shirtless guy. Now I'm 58. When I was 39, I came out in a newspaper when I was running for political office. 3 years earlier, when I ran for a lower office, my boyfriend at the time accompanied me to the candidate forums. He was more flamboyant than me. So it wasn't a secret at all.

When I was 40, I met my current boyfriend. He is married with grown children and grandchildren. He's in the closet but does things that would get him found out. I tell him, if you haven't been busted yet, that means everybody knows and just not saying anything. As many risks as he's taken with me. We've had ups and downs. Sorta broke up this spring with an open relationship. My guilt of having erectile dysfunction from prostate cancer. My boyfriend stuck with me.

I didn't know what to do. So I started a love blog in June hoping to save the relationship. It worked. It brought us back together. Almost every post has a provocative pic of him and me. The blog is anonymous but not secret. It's sensitive content because of frank discussion. It's not x-rated. Early posts like How We Met and First Breakup don't hold back. The blog evolved into mostly poems and gay content. Hope it helps someone.


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