
"Living content ever after". It's semantics. Is it continuous happiness (every second) or continual happiness (recurring)? Marriage simply means a new family where each spouse becomes the next of kin of the other spouse. Main purpose of marriage is to protect the couple from their biological family, as Bob Paris the bodybuilder explained on Oprah Winfrey. 

My boyfriend and I have been dating each other monogamously for 18 years. Love goes in cycles. This past spring we hit a rough patch. Now I have erectile dysfunction from prostate cancer. I felt guilty. So I thought we could have an open relationship. Boy was I wrong! An open relationship is a broken relationship. We were in a state of breakup but didn't know it. I didn't know what to do. 

So I started a love blog in June. I have over a hundred posts now. Like 50 love poems. My boyfriend reads the love blog and contributes pictures. He gives me feedback. 

The hardest thing to understand about a relationship is it's voluntary, one date at a time. Even a married couple can walk away at anytime despite the vows & promises. Also "for better or for worse" occurs in the same day or same week. Because the relationship is based solely on emotions. Love. You can't really promise to have an eternal emotion. When you do, it's poetic. "I will always love you" means "in this moment I feel like I will always love you". 

The love blog really brought us back closer together. YouTube channel not really an option for us. I am so happy I created this blog. It's like a baby...a product of shared love. And like a baby, it sings and plays and suddenly cries. 

We know we will have rough patches again in the future. We will be able to look back at the blog and draw insight or inspiration (like you guys have your video channel). Our love blog tries to be anonymous but not secret. Can I share it to help others? Good luck to both of you.


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