
My boyfriend and I complement each other. INFP & INFJ.

Our personalities overlap. He's an avid reader and enjoys the poetry I create. A crowded bar drives me crazy. So I have better luck on the slow nights. He likes the attention.

The reason I like to set the next date at the end of the current date is to build trust. The more I keep my promises, the more you trust me. The more you love me. The hotter the sex. Every detail serves a greater purpose. But my boyfriend likes to play it by ear.

Of course all people have all personality traits at one time or another. So Myers-Briggs is a fuzzy approximation of an individual's personality. Fuzzy like the dreams analyzed by Carl Jung. The 16 personality matrix is based on Jung's work.

INFJ -- Diplomat -- Advocate
Quiet. Mystical. Inspiring. Tireless idealist.

My boyfriend:
INFP -- Diplomat -- Mediator
Poetic. Kind. Altruistic.

There are 16 personality types. That's slicing the pie awfully thin. Sometimes simplified as 4 general types. Analyst. Diplomat. Sentinel. Explorer.

There are 4 aspects to your personality.

1. How you get energy, recharge, relax.

An (I) introvert would relax alone by reading a book or taking a walk.

An (E) extravert would relax by going to a social function or going out where the crowd is.

2. How you interpret information.

(S) sensor. You don't generalize or stereotype. You need more than one or two details to form an opinion.

(N) intuitive. You can form a rule of thumb from one fact. You will modify the hypothesis as more information comes in.

3. How you make decisions.

(T) thinker. Uses logical reasoning. Likes to poke holes in arguments. Just because these 3 long-haired people are jerks is no reason to think all long-hairs are jerks.

(F) feeler. Decides using personal values. Avoids conflict. Warm. Empathetic. An illogical decision might be made to keep the peace. Long-hairs not allowed here because 3 long-haired people caused trouble.

4. How you organize your life.

(J) judger. Needs order and structure. For example at the end of a date, I will try to schedule the next date. How about 9 o'clock Friday? But my boyfriend will say, Let's play it by ear.

(P) perceiver. Lets life happen. Let's play it by ear.


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